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Pdf Embed

Pdf Embed is a WordPress plugin that adds a Gutenberg block that allows you to embed a PDF file using the official api of Adobe Embed Pdf.

This block requires the creation of a free api key on Adobe.

Embed PDF in WordPress

Supported browsers

PDF Embed API is supported by the latest versions of the following browsers:

  • Windows - Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox.
  • macOS - Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox.
  • Android - Google Chrome.
  • iOS - Safari, Google Chrome.

Print PDF

PDF printing is not currently supported by the Firefox browser. Clicking the PDF print button displays a popup asking users to download the file and print it using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Mobile support

Much of what the PDF Embed API offers is supported by mobile devices. However, there are some limitations:

  • Annotation tools are not supported on phones in Full Window embedding mode. These tools are supported on tablets (both Android and iOS).
  • Printing functionality is not supported.
  • PDF downloading is not supported on iOS devices, but it is supported on Android.

Mode of incorporation

Embed modeDescriptionExample
Full window (default mode)Renders the PDF viewer into the full height and width of the parent element. Best suited for storage and productivity applications.Full Window
Sized containerThe sized container mode displays PDFs in a boxed container with landscape orientation. Best suited for presentations.Sized Container
In-LineAll PDF pages rendered in line within a web page. Best suited for reading applications.In-line
LightboxDisplays PDFs in a focused view. Best suited for content websites, content portals, and email.Lightbox

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